Thursday 28 August 2014

Keith Haring Art

This is Chatter Pix about Keith Haring. For art we have been doing Keith Haring inspired art. we had a lot of fun learning about his simple but great art.

Monday 25 August 2014

Exploring Parliament

Last week we watched 4 different videos one for each box above we learnt a lot about Pa nrliament and debates.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Technology: Cycle Four

On Friday we had our first lesson for rotation four . We learnt what to do if a disaster struck and what we would do. After we did that we made electronic circuits with lights through battery's wires and lights. As you can see in this photo we got both our lights to go.

Reading: Elsie Locke

This term we have been doing change makers. This is Flynn and my work about Elsie Locke.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Technology: Cycle Three

For technology cycle three we did wood and plastics.  The first day we designed and looked at ideas for a key ring, I made a star. Then a couple of lessons later we got a choice between making a pen or a USB...we decided USB. I made a mini cooper it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed wood and plastics

Thursday 7 August 2014

Maths: Algebra

In Miss Kay's class for maths we have been learning about Cartesian coordinates in algebra. We have learnt about the y and x axes. Miss Kay decided we should play battle ships for our coordinates. It has been a lot of fun and here is Curtis and I playing battleships.