Thursday 11 September 2014

PE: Social Dance

In the last week for PE we have done social dancing. We have learnt seven dances in 4 weeks. Here are the seven dances: Gay Gordons, Coconut Cream, Red Hot, Sha la la la , Maxina, Sea Cruise and Bus Stop. We have had a lot of fun doing this subject in P.E My favourite dance is the red hot.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Persuasive Writing

Homework is Unnecessary

Yay schools finished...home time to relax. But wait, no not relax time...homework time. Homework is SO boring!
Why do we have to do extra work after school? Isn't that what we go to school for? Work. The teachers are in control of us at the seven hours were at school. When we are at home that's our time not more work time. we might have other things such as music sport or billions of other activities. All it does is waste our wifi which cost money

We get in trouble if we don't do it. And that won't be good for our grades . We will remember stuff instead of extra work we aren't a goldfish with a three second brain span you know when parents say get of your computer and devices and go outside in the sun. We could go outside play with friends help with jobs there are billions of things we could be doing instead of going on our computer  like play  a game go outside play with a friend or have some social time with your family

Considering its normally just learning about someone and what they have done i don't think it is that important. Like with math homework we have a whole 45 minutes to do math then we get home and have to do more. We shouldn't have to do more. We need a break. Its a waste of time.

So this is why I think homework is not necessary for success