Wednesday 29 October 2014

'The Giver' - Reflection

What is so jarring about the new list of rules that Jonas relieves after the Ceremony of Twelve? What seems to bother him most about the list?
He could lie. The rules were a whole lot different to his normal rules. The list told him that he can not tell any one about the work he has been doing as the receiver of memory which really annoyed him because he was very eager to tell people. Also he got memory's that where bad . He did not obey the rules and the chief elder wanted him out of his position.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Reading: Newspapers

For reading this term we have been looking at news papers and about the set up. This week we had a look at the comics so Miss Kay showed us a website called comic heads. On this website we have been able to create our very own comics. I have enjoyed this subject and this is my comic about Garfield:

Thursday 16 October 2014

Pressures On The Earth

Room 12B had to blow up a balloon to show how much stress we put on the environment. Miss Kay asked us questions such as:
Do you wrap your lunch in glad wrap?
Do you collect food scraps for the compost or worm farms?
Do you grow vegetables at home?
Do you turn of a light when ever you leave a room?
Do you leave the tap running when you leave the room?
If our answer to the question meant that we were putting more stress on the earth we had to add a puff of air. If we were doing something sustainable we would take a puff of air out. It was a fun subject to try. In the picture below it shows our before and after picture of the 'world' (my balloon!).
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