Wednesday 10 December 2014

Technology Cycle 4

In science lately we have been doing six different activities like lenses, magnifying and more which i really enjoyed. Also we have had our final test on Friday from the start of science when we did a starting test - I had an extreme increase of score from 9 to 43! My favorite part was the magnifying glasses and the rainbow glasses which made all light and bright colors. We had so much fun in our last technology session at science with Miss Hawtin.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Helping the 2015 Year 7s - Great Information

Room 17 and 12B have been making a video to show the year sevens next year around the school and Jacob, Josh, Flynn, Lucas, Clay, Jake's and mine

Wednesday 3 December 2014


In P.E we have been doing padder tennis, T-ball , gutter board, non stop cricket, rob the nest and more other sports.. My favourite was the padder tennis. We had so much fun doing these sports. We went in mixed groups from the three different classes,12, 12a, 12b. Our rotation was very cool. Here are some action shots of me playing padder tennis with Will.

This is me in action!