Tuesday 8 December 2015

Beach Ed 2015

Yesterday we went to westshore beach beach for beach ed we had a great time and here are the ten main rules we learnt 

Rule 1: Swim between the flags
Rule 2:Have an adult watch over you
Rule 3:Listen to the Advice from surf life savers
Rule 4: Never swim or surf alone
Rule 5: If in doubt stay out
Rule 6: Be sunsmart
Rule 7: Learn to recognise rip currents
Rule 8: Always use the safe and correct equipment 
Rule 9: Never swim tired or cold
Rule 10: Consider other surf users 

And here are some photos of us at the beach

Friday 4 December 2015

Year 8 Social

Last night (2 december) we had the year 8 Social. I think everyone had a great time. Here are some photos from the social

My Cinquain

These are my two cinquain


top corner goals

dribbling past defenders

feeling and competitiveness

free kicks


hitting sixes

bowling middle wicket

Saving boundaries with your mates
