Thursday 17 April 2014

My Parent / Grandparent Interview

In Week 7 for our homework we had to interview our parents and grandparents about our homework. I had my Grandfather and my Mum. It was very interesting. I realized that my poppa was allowed to do almost anything and he hated school, where as my mum had limits and couldn't really do much. All up it was a great homework task and really fun. Also my Pop found a sheet of my family tree

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Simpson And His Donkey

Today we used videonotes  to summarise this text about Simpson and his donkey.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

My Highlights

Highlights so far this year

The subject area/s I am most proud of:
Writing because I worked on some of my next steps.
Something I am really glad about:
Not having any worries.
Something I used to struggle with but I am feeling better about:
Learning how to use google chrome.
Something I have worked very hard at:
My character writing.
Something new I have learned or experienced for the first time:
Being in a class with a full computer class.

What’s next?

Something I am wondering about:
Nothing really.
Something I’d like you to know I struggle with:
Nothing at all.
What I need to be better at:
Reading - I’d like to remember more of what happens in the storyline and be able to summarise it.
Something I’d really like to learn or experience that we haven’t done yet :
Student vs wild maybe next year for electives.

Friday 11 April 2014

Sam's Mihi

This is my mihi - a formal introduction in te reo...

Video for Tech in Media Studies

In media studies we have been making a movie called "The Interrogation." This is mine and Jamie's cut...