Tuesday 15 April 2014

My Highlights

Highlights so far this year

The subject area/s I am most proud of:
Writing because I worked on some of my next steps.
Something I am really glad about:
Not having any worries.
Something I used to struggle with but I am feeling better about:
Learning how to use google chrome.
Something I have worked very hard at:
My character writing.
Something new I have learned or experienced for the first time:
Being in a class with a full computer class.

What’s next?

Something I am wondering about:
Nothing really.
Something I’d like you to know I struggle with:
Nothing at all.
What I need to be better at:
Reading - I’d like to remember more of what happens in the storyline and be able to summarise it.
Something I’d really like to learn or experience that we haven’t done yet :
Student vs wild maybe next year for electives.

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