Friday 28 November 2014

Math Angles

These are the main angles We have been doing in maths we have been angles. Acute angle is more than 0 and less then 90 degrees. Right angles are exactly 90 degrees.  Obtuse angle which is more then 90 less then 180 degrees. This has been a fun and we have been very enthused in this subject.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sustainable Art

For art lately we have been doing sustainable art. We had to make some art out of sustainable art so Barney and I made animals out of plastic bottles and acrylic paint.  We made a Squid and a Walrus. This was a fun subject and we hope to finish.

Wednesday 5 November 2014


In reading we have been working on our comprehension strategies.  Last week we focused on visualisation - they way we can create mental images when we read to deepen our understanding of the text.  We read a short passage that explained how to measure a very tall object without having to climb it and we visualised how we would do this.

Yesterday we went out and put this knowledge into practice. Teva and I went out and measured 3 different objects we had pretty good accuracy getting 2 cm off, 5 cm off and 10 cm off. We had to get a partner. Ask them to stand at the base of an object. Walk back until the pencil is in line with the ground and the bottom of the object then turn you pencil sideways and tell them to go sideways until they reach the end of the pencil tip. After give them a tape measure and ask them to put it at the far end of there foot then measure from there to the object and there is your answer on the tape measure!


Today in class we learnt about economics being peoples wants and resources. We watched a video about economics and scarcity. Its about how everyone has unlimited wants but there are limited resources. There is limited time so we cant have everything.  We also learnt about scarcity- this is when there is not much of something or it is hard to find. This is the video we got the information from: