Wednesday 5 November 2014


In reading we have been working on our comprehension strategies.  Last week we focused on visualisation - they way we can create mental images when we read to deepen our understanding of the text.  We read a short passage that explained how to measure a very tall object without having to climb it and we visualised how we would do this.

Yesterday we went out and put this knowledge into practice. Teva and I went out and measured 3 different objects we had pretty good accuracy getting 2 cm off, 5 cm off and 10 cm off. We had to get a partner. Ask them to stand at the base of an object. Walk back until the pencil is in line with the ground and the bottom of the object then turn you pencil sideways and tell them to go sideways until they reach the end of the pencil tip. After give them a tape measure and ask them to put it at the far end of there foot then measure from there to the object and there is your answer on the tape measure!

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