Friday 20 March 2015

Alarm Circuit Diagram

This is my alarm circuit diagram from tech today. We went on a website and made the diagram that we used for the alarms.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Cyber bulling

Cyber bullying is Bullying online or through or through text by putting them down and being mean embarrassing them.cyber bulling can be hacked, embarrassing or mean in many different ways. But bullying can always be fixed by another person such as a nice text or something else. Anyone can stop this by helping them or being nice. A lot of people are bullied through things like Facebook, twitter, snap chat, texting and other things. If you ever have got bullied you need to tell someone.

Monday 16 March 2015

War Without Guns

Room 5 read a story together on the board about a man that is Pakeha giving a man money but needing to pay back the guy who needed to pay back didn't. So he had to get the land taken of him and that's when the war with out weapon started. This was all set in Napier in the 1870s

 Looking at Different Points of View

Walt:  Consider different points of view or perspectives to the same events, explaining the differences.

After reading the story, “War Without Guns”’, you are to look at and consider the differences between the two perspectives by thinking about the event that happened and how people reacted and responded to them.

Maori Perspectives
Pakeha Perspectives
Unfair for them
wanting money
kind to other people
do anything to get it
stay as a team
Determined to stop the Pakeha
Tricky and faking

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Modelling In Electronics

This is the model of a circuit I am trialling for my alarm. A breadboard allows  you connect and reconnect components without soldering to see which circuit will be suitable.

Monday 9 March 2015

My Term One Goals

These are My term one goals that i hope to  achieve.


Today we used a breadboard to make a model of a moisture sensor were testing it on a flower it worked because of the moisture in the flower We had a great time working in partners testing different things and ways to use it

Bug man Assembly

On Friday last week Rudd Kleinpaste aka the bug man cam to our school and explained about different groups. I liked the sloth the lazy sloth but it was weird how it wen it was funny how he colored him self  blue so he could have the butterfly land on him

Homework letter

For homework last week i had to imagine i was a pakeha trader at the time the treaty was signed.
Dear  family
I have been enjoying my time in new zealand. After the long trips of trading muskets i am certain to say i  have gained many experiences and earned heaps of new things although we have been attacked a couple of times. It has been quite good and i miss you all heaps. Many boats have sailed off and sailed to trade different things to the Maori living in new Zealand We have had some new Maori passengers join along on our ship and help us weave our flax and help with many other thing alongside the ship hope to be home soon and see you all i miss the English home and would love to see you all and see my experiences soon. We have not had any fights on board but the ships flag broke and we were stranded for days but we are now fine. there has been a lot of gunfire on shore and war but we haven't been involved there are many different ways i new zealand such as land claiming and trying to settle in. I hope to see some Amazing sea creatures in the future. I have been a little bit afraid of attack from land. We have traveled land many times . We will be needing to come home soon because our gun  amount is coming to a big low. I have learned some Maori and would love to share it with the family.

Hope to see everybody soon

your sincerely Sam   S_WAIT.

Monday 2 March 2015

My Where I'm From Poem

The ‘Where I'm From’ Template

I am from rugby boots
from  nike gear
and wakeboarding
I am from a medium sized warm working house
I am from the back yard plants
the 6) to foot marks in the grass
I am from boating trips to tarawera
and and staying with family and friends
from Leanne
and Grant
and Wait
I am from the  long drives with the family
and  And going round with our family friends
From stories of my brother playing with raisins
and to the very little photos i liked to pose in
I am from lack of it
I'm from 1 hawkes bay
fish and chips meat on the bbq
From the boating family
the car drives family
and the sleepy brother
I am from pictures in the office