Monday 16 March 2015

War Without Guns

Room 5 read a story together on the board about a man that is Pakeha giving a man money but needing to pay back the guy who needed to pay back didn't. So he had to get the land taken of him and that's when the war with out weapon started. This was all set in Napier in the 1870s

 Looking at Different Points of View

Walt:  Consider different points of view or perspectives to the same events, explaining the differences.

After reading the story, “War Without Guns”’, you are to look at and consider the differences between the two perspectives by thinking about the event that happened and how people reacted and responded to them.

Maori Perspectives
Pakeha Perspectives
Unfair for them
wanting money
kind to other people
do anything to get it
stay as a team
Determined to stop the Pakeha
Tricky and faking

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