Thursday 30 April 2015

Camp pictures

These are some pictures from camp in term one

Camp Recount Soft Archery

It was time for the best activity  - the activity that thrilled and our second activity was soft archery. The sun was beaming down on my head. We had training before and practice on targets. You could hear the arrows squealing through the air. there were four small stuck on targets and two shots each person it was a lot of fun and we did it twice we had to set into teams of five what was Jess Sarah Gus Lars and me we went in for our game with a great game plan we had dark scary competitive masks. Our first game. I was excited. I heard “Bows up….. arrows up…...andddddd GO". First game the competitiveness came through all ready. Whistling arrows through the air. Boom target one down we were going great in round one. minutes later we were still ahead and we had claimed the win.

After a couple of games/rounds we were in for another game to see who went and faced the parents. we had another outstanding win. Now it was the time to face the parents. Anddddd...... we were off, arrows flying through the air. But not much action at the start until Gus took down a target, then they took down a target. It was one point to each team with three seconds left. I took the final shot and hit one of the adults, just on full time and we were the champions!

Maths Stratergy

In maths we have been learning new strategies in math this is an example of some of the questions and strategies.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Science Activitie On Alan MacDiarmid

Guided Writing

Here is my original piece of writing on the theme of Ducle ET Decorum est. by Wilfred Owen

Memories of war

Me and my fellow comrades can not bear to be here anymore i have been very sick. We all want this to end i can't  get sleep i have been here for many months now i wish this war would end soon.
I am trying to get back from the front line i am hearing noises in my head i need to get some rest and get out of here. I feel sorry for the other soldiers getting shot down as i take the back. I leave all behind.
Everyone has no idea what their doing they are so tired they have put everything behind them they get picked on as i watch all of us walk over sharp objects after losing our gear we need to get back soon and sleep is crucial the are all marching in twirled lines. bullets flying past the men which they don't even notice eyelids half down not knowing what is going on. all these people dont know whats coming next.

as i'm fighting i notice im surrounded. surrounded by gas. I scream to everyone warning “gas, gas, gas”
we all use all of our power to reach for our gas mask and get them on as fast as we can. all the gas steams through the trenches i look round but i can't see. I get on the ground so that i don't get shot .I hear someone screaming out for help with no mask. after the gas clears i see 1 casualtie.
Next comes the greenes it is faint and blinds i see nothing hear nothing he word goes round the back saying the gasses have reached the front line. I scramble around trying to find any other human i can
you see one of my comrades who didnt get his mask on in time he is blinded and begging for help there's no way he will live i am screaming trying to help him he is coughing and dying. i feel so bad as he he is dieing i see the lungs in side him swelling up and his family waiting at home writing him letters his boddy is crincling. imagine my part having to take this man in the wagon trying to save him i remember him trying to grip on to anything and trying to breath but no he didn't make it. I think of him he was a good man now i remember burying him and flash backing all the moments. I try not to think of bad thing.
Imagine listening while taking him back seeing the blood come up through his mouth and swelling up I  see mucus in his blood his lungs are now in bits i try not to look but i can i'm trying to help him but blood is going everywhere from his body. i hear him moving round in the wagon his eyes go red and his screaming starts dying down. his blood is sizzling and his chest was moving crazily im lucky it's not me.
If you had seen what i had seen you would not sleep and you would have many flash backs it unbearable. War is not a good thing it is not good to die for your country you go through so much pain and you come back a changed person. Thats if you make it back.
Everyone one was scared for life and had different views of war mine was one i never want to go back on.

Friday 24 April 2015

ANZAC School Service

This is today at the domain to remember Anzac and the soldiers who fought for us. We all helped make the poppy Cross and it was a good fun day.These are some photos from today.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Stay Where You Are Then Leave Reading Term 1

Well men were first and when the women protested with kate sheppard a lot of people still thought it should only be men. They said  women aren't made for that job so that is why a lot of people would still laugh at her trying to be the prime minister. Men were more respected and do all the muscle work in the old days but things have changed many different people  want the slot of the prime minister.  Back then it was illegal for women to have the job but kalena still believed. She didn't know that she might have the chance in the future after women were allowed to vote and be part of the government. Men still have the biggest part of the government so much more men are doing this job. Everyone thought she was crazy as a kid wanting that but she always ignored them. Maybe it could be because other countries don't want them to have anything to do with the government.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Army School Visit

On Tuesday the 31st of march the New Zealand Army came  to Hni.
They gave us a tour of all the trucks/motorbikes, camps, and weapons.
It was a lot of fun looking at all the weapons and explanations.
This is a photo of my group doing a army practice drill.