Thursday 30 April 2015

Camp Recount Soft Archery

It was time for the best activity  - the activity that thrilled and our second activity was soft archery. The sun was beaming down on my head. We had training before and practice on targets. You could hear the arrows squealing through the air. there were four small stuck on targets and two shots each person it was a lot of fun and we did it twice we had to set into teams of five what was Jess Sarah Gus Lars and me we went in for our game with a great game plan we had dark scary competitive masks. Our first game. I was excited. I heard “Bows up….. arrows up…...andddddd GO". First game the competitiveness came through all ready. Whistling arrows through the air. Boom target one down we were going great in round one. minutes later we were still ahead and we had claimed the win.

After a couple of games/rounds we were in for another game to see who went and faced the parents. we had another outstanding win. Now it was the time to face the parents. Anddddd...... we were off, arrows flying through the air. But not much action at the start until Gus took down a target, then they took down a target. It was one point to each team with three seconds left. I took the final shot and hit one of the adults, just on full time and we were the champions!