Thursday 23 April 2015

Stay Where You Are Then Leave Reading Term 1

Well men were first and when the women protested with kate sheppard a lot of people still thought it should only be men. They said  women aren't made for that job so that is why a lot of people would still laugh at her trying to be the prime minister. Men were more respected and do all the muscle work in the old days but things have changed many different people  want the slot of the prime minister.  Back then it was illegal for women to have the job but kalena still believed. She didn't know that she might have the chance in the future after women were allowed to vote and be part of the government. Men still have the biggest part of the government so much more men are doing this job. Everyone thought she was crazy as a kid wanting that but she always ignored them. Maybe it could be because other countries don't want them to have anything to do with the government.

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to understand what things would have been like living back then, but I think you have done a good job in considering and discussing the question.
