Wednesday 23 July 2014

Change Makers - Term Three Inquiry

This term we are focusing people who have made a positive difference to the world (or their part of it )

Who can we identify as change makers? Why? Local, National and International.
Kate shepherd, abraham lincoln, Albert Einstein, Murray Franks, Sir Edmund Hillary, Obama, Nelson Mandela, William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Thomas Jefferson, George, Bob, Washington, Queen Victoria, Jack Hunter, Jenna Tidswell, Cryn Russell, David Barclay, Richie Mccaw, Pele, Messi, Ronaldo and Mr Forward.

What Do I think motivates change makers?

  • I think they are motivated by what they love to do.
  • They want to make the world a better place.
  • Positivity and other people.
  • People look up to them.

What might change makers do to motivate others?

  • I think they will tell the people to do what they love and stick with that because it is easier to do something you love and you will do better in it.
  • They are always positive to change the world.
  • They might tell them something that made them change.

What actions and decisions do they take?

  • They want their voices to be heard and are ready to back up their ideas.
  • They take responsible and reliable ones that are positive and responsible.
  • Their actions are confident and reliable.

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