Tuesday 1 July 2014

Reading: 'Wonder' Reflection

Book Review
This is my detailed summary of ‘Wonder’ to-date:

Auggie is a not a normal kid he was born with a disease called Treacher Collins syndrome. This means he has a deformed face. he is always being stared at and has his favorite astronaut mask that he wears to hide his face. He has been home schooled for his life, but now he is going to school. At first he doesn't want to, but he is forced by his Mum. Three kids welcome him and give him a tour through the school during the holidays. he had made two friends from that day, but the other one was a bully. His name was Julian. when school was on Jack Will who was one of the boys who welcomed him and was hanging out with him. but when the word got out that Auggie was at the the school something called 'the plague' went round. Read on to find out what that is...

This is what I predict will happen coming up:

the principal will find out that Julian is a bully and he will be the unpopular kid and Auggie will finally be popular.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good book to read. I might get it out.
