Thursday 24 July 2014

Inquiry Homework Reflection

Prostate Cancer
Today my speech is about prostate cancer. Firstly what actually is cancer?  Cancer is a lump or a tumor that grows from normal cells. our body is made up billions of cells and sometimes these grow uncontrollably producing cancer.Cancer is not a single disease with one cause and one type of treatment. There are more than 200 different types of cancer. Each has its own natural course of development and response to treatment

About prostate cancer
This cancer is in the prostate which is a gland below the bladder. prostate cancer is a cancer that can only affect men because women don't have this gland. This is the sixth most common cause of cancer death in men globally and the most common cause of cancer in men in New Zealand.  20 percent of the 3000 men diagnosed in new zealand die each year.  Men who develop prostate cancer are mostly over the age of 65 but can be in their 40’s.

How do you know when you have it?
Men are encouraged to see their doctor and be tested with a blood test from the age of forty. Difficulty going to the toilet to empty your bladder is often an early sign of prostate cancer. If caught early the survival rate is much better.  The risk of getting prostate cancer is higher as you age or if you have a family member who has had prostate cancer.

Can it be treated?
Yes it can be treated but with surgery.  It is best to have it taken out early because it can spread and metastasise to other parts of the body. A  urologist can surgically remove the gland and you can also have chemotherapy , radiotherapy and hormone therapy to help treat it.  You can die from prostate cancer  like other cancers if not treated early enough.  After treatment some men are embarrassed by the side effects of prostate cancer and don't want to talk about things like their bladder leaking.  Some people still don't know what prostate cancer is and how it can affect mens o the prostate cancer foundation runs a fundraising and awareness program through september each year called Blue September.  There is lots of research being done all the time. New research shows that a dog can sniff out prostate cancer with a stunning  98% accuracy this gives us hope for the future.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Sam I know how hard you worked on this and all your homework about prostate cancer. Keep up the good work.
