Wednesday 10 December 2014

Technology Cycle 4

In science lately we have been doing six different activities like lenses, magnifying and more which i really enjoyed. Also we have had our final test on Friday from the start of science when we did a starting test - I had an extreme increase of score from 9 to 43! My favorite part was the magnifying glasses and the rainbow glasses which made all light and bright colors. We had so much fun in our last technology session at science with Miss Hawtin.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Helping the 2015 Year 7s - Great Information

Room 17 and 12B have been making a video to show the year sevens next year around the school and Jacob, Josh, Flynn, Lucas, Clay, Jake's and mine

Wednesday 3 December 2014


In P.E we have been doing padder tennis, T-ball , gutter board, non stop cricket, rob the nest and more other sports.. My favourite was the padder tennis. We had so much fun doing these sports. We went in mixed groups from the three different classes,12, 12a, 12b. Our rotation was very cool. Here are some action shots of me playing padder tennis with Will.

This is me in action!

Friday 28 November 2014

Math Angles

These are the main angles We have been doing in maths we have been angles. Acute angle is more than 0 and less then 90 degrees. Right angles are exactly 90 degrees.  Obtuse angle which is more then 90 less then 180 degrees. This has been a fun and we have been very enthused in this subject.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sustainable Art

For art lately we have been doing sustainable art. We had to make some art out of sustainable art so Barney and I made animals out of plastic bottles and acrylic paint.  We made a Squid and a Walrus. This was a fun subject and we hope to finish.

Wednesday 5 November 2014


In reading we have been working on our comprehension strategies.  Last week we focused on visualisation - they way we can create mental images when we read to deepen our understanding of the text.  We read a short passage that explained how to measure a very tall object without having to climb it and we visualised how we would do this.

Yesterday we went out and put this knowledge into practice. Teva and I went out and measured 3 different objects we had pretty good accuracy getting 2 cm off, 5 cm off and 10 cm off. We had to get a partner. Ask them to stand at the base of an object. Walk back until the pencil is in line with the ground and the bottom of the object then turn you pencil sideways and tell them to go sideways until they reach the end of the pencil tip. After give them a tape measure and ask them to put it at the far end of there foot then measure from there to the object and there is your answer on the tape measure!


Today in class we learnt about economics being peoples wants and resources. We watched a video about economics and scarcity. Its about how everyone has unlimited wants but there are limited resources. There is limited time so we cant have everything.  We also learnt about scarcity- this is when there is not much of something or it is hard to find. This is the video we got the information from:

Wednesday 29 October 2014

'The Giver' - Reflection

What is so jarring about the new list of rules that Jonas relieves after the Ceremony of Twelve? What seems to bother him most about the list?
He could lie. The rules were a whole lot different to his normal rules. The list told him that he can not tell any one about the work he has been doing as the receiver of memory which really annoyed him because he was very eager to tell people. Also he got memory's that where bad . He did not obey the rules and the chief elder wanted him out of his position.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Reading: Newspapers

For reading this term we have been looking at news papers and about the set up. This week we had a look at the comics so Miss Kay showed us a website called comic heads. On this website we have been able to create our very own comics. I have enjoyed this subject and this is my comic about Garfield:

Thursday 16 October 2014

Pressures On The Earth

Room 12B had to blow up a balloon to show how much stress we put on the environment. Miss Kay asked us questions such as:
Do you wrap your lunch in glad wrap?
Do you collect food scraps for the compost or worm farms?
Do you grow vegetables at home?
Do you turn of a light when ever you leave a room?
Do you leave the tap running when you leave the room?
If our answer to the question meant that we were putting more stress on the earth we had to add a puff of air. If we were doing something sustainable we would take a puff of air out. It was a fun subject to try. In the picture below it shows our before and after picture of the 'world' (my balloon!).
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Thursday 11 September 2014

PE: Social Dance

In the last week for PE we have done social dancing. We have learnt seven dances in 4 weeks. Here are the seven dances: Gay Gordons, Coconut Cream, Red Hot, Sha la la la , Maxina, Sea Cruise and Bus Stop. We have had a lot of fun doing this subject in P.E My favourite dance is the red hot.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Persuasive Writing

Homework is Unnecessary

Yay schools finished...home time to relax. But wait, no not relax time...homework time. Homework is SO boring!
Why do we have to do extra work after school? Isn't that what we go to school for? Work. The teachers are in control of us at the seven hours were at school. When we are at home that's our time not more work time. we might have other things such as music sport or billions of other activities. All it does is waste our wifi which cost money

We get in trouble if we don't do it. And that won't be good for our grades . We will remember stuff instead of extra work we aren't a goldfish with a three second brain span you know when parents say get of your computer and devices and go outside in the sun. We could go outside play with friends help with jobs there are billions of things we could be doing instead of going on our computer  like play  a game go outside play with a friend or have some social time with your family

Considering its normally just learning about someone and what they have done i don't think it is that important. Like with math homework we have a whole 45 minutes to do math then we get home and have to do more. We shouldn't have to do more. We need a break. Its a waste of time.

So this is why I think homework is not necessary for success

Thursday 28 August 2014

Keith Haring Art

This is Chatter Pix about Keith Haring. For art we have been doing Keith Haring inspired art. we had a lot of fun learning about his simple but great art.

Monday 25 August 2014

Exploring Parliament

Last week we watched 4 different videos one for each box above we learnt a lot about Pa nrliament and debates.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Technology: Cycle Four

On Friday we had our first lesson for rotation four . We learnt what to do if a disaster struck and what we would do. After we did that we made electronic circuits with lights through battery's wires and lights. As you can see in this photo we got both our lights to go.

Reading: Elsie Locke

This term we have been doing change makers. This is Flynn and my work about Elsie Locke.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Technology: Cycle Three

For technology cycle three we did wood and plastics.  The first day we designed and looked at ideas for a key ring, I made a star. Then a couple of lessons later we got a choice between making a pen or a USB...we decided USB. I made a mini cooper it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed wood and plastics

Thursday 7 August 2014

Maths: Algebra

In Miss Kay's class for maths we have been learning about Cartesian coordinates in algebra. We have learnt about the y and x axes. Miss Kay decided we should play battle ships for our coordinates. It has been a lot of fun and here is Curtis and I playing battleships.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

P.E: Cross Country Training

For P.E we have been doing cross country training. We have been doing different tracks such as 3 Field Laps,Guthrie / Brook vale / Woodlands, Guthrie / Brook vale / Russell Robertson /Croft and the full Cross Country Course. We have been trying to beat our own time. We go outside and do it almost everyday. I have been improving my time almost every week. Today we walked the whole of the cross country. It has been a lot of fun and i can not wait to cross country.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Inquiry Homework Reflection

Prostate Cancer
Today my speech is about prostate cancer. Firstly what actually is cancer?  Cancer is a lump or a tumor that grows from normal cells. our body is made up billions of cells and sometimes these grow uncontrollably producing cancer.Cancer is not a single disease with one cause and one type of treatment. There are more than 200 different types of cancer. Each has its own natural course of development and response to treatment

About prostate cancer
This cancer is in the prostate which is a gland below the bladder. prostate cancer is a cancer that can only affect men because women don't have this gland. This is the sixth most common cause of cancer death in men globally and the most common cause of cancer in men in New Zealand.  20 percent of the 3000 men diagnosed in new zealand die each year.  Men who develop prostate cancer are mostly over the age of 65 but can be in their 40’s.

How do you know when you have it?
Men are encouraged to see their doctor and be tested with a blood test from the age of forty. Difficulty going to the toilet to empty your bladder is often an early sign of prostate cancer. If caught early the survival rate is much better.  The risk of getting prostate cancer is higher as you age or if you have a family member who has had prostate cancer.

Can it be treated?
Yes it can be treated but with surgery.  It is best to have it taken out early because it can spread and metastasise to other parts of the body. A  urologist can surgically remove the gland and you can also have chemotherapy , radiotherapy and hormone therapy to help treat it.  You can die from prostate cancer  like other cancers if not treated early enough.  After treatment some men are embarrassed by the side effects of prostate cancer and don't want to talk about things like their bladder leaking.  Some people still don't know what prostate cancer is and how it can affect mens o the prostate cancer foundation runs a fundraising and awareness program through september each year called Blue September.  There is lots of research being done all the time. New research shows that a dog can sniff out prostate cancer with a stunning  98% accuracy this gives us hope for the future.

Te Reo: Te Tinana (Body Parts)

Picasso Inspired Art

This is my Picasso inspired art. We combined  sketches of the front and side view for this style.

Ode to my Nose

Oh nose, Oh nose
I go cross-eyed to see you
You sit on the end of my face
Like you’re stuck with glue
Without you I could not smell
Types of foods I could not tell
so i am glad my nose is on my face
not put in a different place

Maths: Fractions Problems

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Change Makers - Term Three Inquiry

This term we are focusing people who have made a positive difference to the world (or their part of it )

Who can we identify as change makers? Why? Local, National and International.
Kate shepherd, abraham lincoln, Albert Einstein, Murray Franks, Sir Edmund Hillary, Obama, Nelson Mandela, William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Thomas Jefferson, George, Bob, Washington, Queen Victoria, Jack Hunter, Jenna Tidswell, Cryn Russell, David Barclay, Richie Mccaw, Pele, Messi, Ronaldo and Mr Forward.

What Do I think motivates change makers?

  • I think they are motivated by what they love to do.
  • They want to make the world a better place.
  • Positivity and other people.
  • People look up to them.

What might change makers do to motivate others?

  • I think they will tell the people to do what they love and stick with that because it is easier to do something you love and you will do better in it.
  • They are always positive to change the world.
  • They might tell them something that made them change.

What actions and decisions do they take?

  • They want their voices to be heard and are ready to back up their ideas.
  • They take responsible and reliable ones that are positive and responsible.
  • Their actions are confident and reliable.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Reading: 'Wonder' Reflection

Book Review
This is my detailed summary of ‘Wonder’ to-date:

Auggie is a not a normal kid he was born with a disease called Treacher Collins syndrome. This means he has a deformed face. he is always being stared at and has his favorite astronaut mask that he wears to hide his face. He has been home schooled for his life, but now he is going to school. At first he doesn't want to, but he is forced by his Mum. Three kids welcome him and give him a tour through the school during the holidays. he had made two friends from that day, but the other one was a bully. His name was Julian. when school was on Jack Will who was one of the boys who welcomed him and was hanging out with him. but when the word got out that Auggie was at the the school something called 'the plague' went round. Read on to find out what that is...

This is what I predict will happen coming up:

the principal will find out that Julian is a bully and he will be the unpopular kid and Auggie will finally be popular.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

P.E Large Ball Skills

In P.E we have been learning large ball skills such as basketball, netball, football and rippa rugby.

Friday 13 June 2014

My Crossfit Elective

Miss Kay's Cross fit Elective.  All of the team is participating in  four twenty second planking

Technology Cycle Two

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This is a tech group K cycle 2. We had to make a mama mia pizza. Will and I worked together to create this rocket ship. All up food tech was a lot of fun. 
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Tuesday 10 June 2014

Sock Puppets Explaining Muscles

This term we have been learning about the human machine and this is Jamie, Jesse and my sock puppet video about muscles.

Friday 23 May 2014

Human Machine Homework Questions

For homework we are studying a disease or disability, mine is prostate cancer. These are my questions:

Thursday 8 May 2014

My Hauora

Today we learn about Physical well being, Mental and Emotional well being, Social well being and Spiritual well being. This was a lot of fun and everyone had great answers.

Thursday 17 April 2014

My Parent / Grandparent Interview

In Week 7 for our homework we had to interview our parents and grandparents about our homework. I had my Grandfather and my Mum. It was very interesting. I realized that my poppa was allowed to do almost anything and he hated school, where as my mum had limits and couldn't really do much. All up it was a great homework task and really fun. Also my Pop found a sheet of my family tree

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Simpson And His Donkey

Today we used videonotes  to summarise this text about Simpson and his donkey.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

My Highlights

Highlights so far this year

The subject area/s I am most proud of:
Writing because I worked on some of my next steps.
Something I am really glad about:
Not having any worries.
Something I used to struggle with but I am feeling better about:
Learning how to use google chrome.
Something I have worked very hard at:
My character writing.
Something new I have learned or experienced for the first time:
Being in a class with a full computer class.

What’s next?

Something I am wondering about:
Nothing really.
Something I’d like you to know I struggle with:
Nothing at all.
What I need to be better at:
Reading - I’d like to remember more of what happens in the storyline and be able to summarise it.
Something I’d really like to learn or experience that we haven’t done yet :
Student vs wild maybe next year for electives.

Friday 11 April 2014

Sam's Mihi

This is my mihi - a formal introduction in te reo...

Video for Tech in Media Studies

In media studies we have been making a movie called "The Interrogation." This is mine and Jamie's cut...

Thursday 27 March 2014

HNI Athletics Recap

It was the day. The day i was so nervous in the morning as we got to school the red, blue, yellow, and black filled the school field. My first race was the 100 meter i got third. Next we went to long jump witch i got second and did well in. Then the high jump my favorite i ended up winning it and getting 4th out of the year eights as well. now it was the 200 i was wining round the corner but then crack i hurt my knee witch ended up being a strained knee cap so for the rest of the afternoon i didn't do anything good i didn't do well in any of the throwing but i couldn't do my relay. We all had a great day at athletic s and it was a lot of fun.

Friday 14 March 2014

Upside down portrait

Room 12 b did an upside down sketch of a human portrait and couldn't turn the photo round

Friday 7 March 2014

My Graph on 12b

This is my graph on room 12bs favorite thing to do in there spare time. As you can see the most common is on the computer. The least common is reading and watching movies.